
  • Of Colour Wells and Alpha

    Many applications require a mix of colour pickers: some that support transparency (alpha) values, and some that don’t. For some reason Apple decided not to make this totally straight forward to implement, even if it is fairly simple to do when you know how. To support this you need to create two subclasses of NSColorWell,…

  • New Site and New Software

    After a bunch of procrastinating and a bunch of playing, I’ve rewritten the entire site. It should look pretty much the same to you, but it’s all powered by my own code now. There’s no comment support on the blog as yet, but if there’s demand I guess I could get around to writing that…

  • SubEthaEdit for Free

    One of my favourite text editors for Mac OS X SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys is part of a very special deal at BLOGZOT 2.0 on For every blog post about this deal, the price will reduce by 5c, if they hit 3,000 copies given away, MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac software. This…

  • Xsan 1.3

    Xsan 1.3 is finally (almost) out, supposedly addressing a number of issues that I know of with it. Time for some testing and we’ll see if they really are fixed. (Yes this is a relatively uninteresting post, but well I haven’t posted anything in quite a while, so nyer!)

  • And they say Xcode isn’t stable

    andrew 6535 0.1 -6.5 537188 136228 ?? S 28Jan06 109:23.91 /Developer/Applications/ -psn_0_8519681 That’s right folks, it is currently 22:29, 6th March 2006, and that copy of Xcode has really been running since January 28th. Unfortunately it’s really getting to the stage where I should restart for these updates that keep showing up so it may…

  • The State of the Union Address Drinking Game 2006

    The President of the United States gives a state of the union address each year to the US Congress. Clearly, the most appropriate thing to do with an occasion such as this is to turn it into a drinking game. To see just how smashed you really should be, this table shows the number of…

  • How not to boot Windows XP on an Intel Mac

    Neosmart seems to be getting a whole heap of links for their theory on how to boot Windows XP on an Intel Mac. Sounds great, right? Just one problem, leaving aside the whole part about the MacBook not shipping yet so there being no way to verify this, their method just ain’t going to work…

  • WordPress 2.0

    So I updated WordPress tonight to 2.0. I doubt you’ll notice any difference, but the admin interface is a pretty blue now ๐Ÿ˜› Let me know if anything seems to be broken since the update.

  • The Apple Store is Indecisive

    On Friday I received the following estimated ship dates for a new iPod I ordered: Wednesday 18th January, 2006 Monday 30th January, 2006 Shipment Notification for 20th January, 2006 Oh well, it’ll be here on Monday ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Comment Spam

    So there’s been a whole bunch of comment spam attempts (all rather useless because I’ve got comment moderation turned on for just such an event). None of them seem to actually be much use for spamming, they’re all the standard “your site is so great” garbage, then with a few links to popular websites (think…

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