Month: July 2005

  • The Much Maligned Finder

    There’s much bad press around about the Finder under Mac OS X. Probably the most common complaints about the Finder are in relation to either: networking, or previews, usually those in column views The question many people ask is simply “Why is still still like this in Mac OS X today?”. This is, on the…

  • Killing .DS_Store on Network Volumes

    Mostly just a reminder for myself. A useful article provided by Apple: Mac OS X 10.4: How to prevent .DS_Store file creation over network connections. Could be useful for those on a network with annoying Windows administrators who have to complain about something, and Macs dropping off .DS_Store files is as good a reason as…

  • Deliciously Captivating Concepts

    So drunkenbatman has posted another enthralling interview, this time with Wil Shipley of Delicious Monster. As always it’s an amazing read, so if you haven’t read it, grab a drink (alcoholic of course) and settle down for a nice long read. Wil’s thoughts on heuristic algorithms are quite interesting. Throughout my degree (and indeed most…

  • Hello world!

    Well I finally got bored enough to create a blog. Who knows what’ll end up here but I’m sure there will be some things of some sort of interest here. Eventually.